1. API Reference
  2. createRender

API Reference


createRender lets you define complex Svelte component behaviors within the script.

It combines a component with props and events to create a ComponentRenderConfig that is passed into Render#of to dynamically render Svelte components.


createRender is based on svelte-render.

createRender accepts a Svelte component and either:

  1. an object of static props; or
  2. a Readable object for dynamic props.

To define event handlers, chain .on(type, handler) method calls.


createRender: (component: Component, props?: Props) => ComponentRenderConfig

Creates a render configuration with a Svelte component and static props.

  import Profile from './Profile.svelte';
  const profile = createRender(Profile, {
    name: 'Alan Turing'

<Render of={profile} />
Alan Turing

Alan Turing

createRender: (component: Component, props?: Readable<Props>) => ComponentRenderConfig

Creates a render configuration with a Svelte component and dynamic props.

  import Profile from './Profile.svelte';
  const name = writable('Grace Hopper');
  const profile = createRender(
    derived(name, n => ({ name: n }))

<Render of={profile} />
$name =
Grace Hopper

Grace Hopper

.on(type: EventType, handler: (ev) => void)

ComponentRenderConfig exposes an .on() method that allows events to be defined and attached to the component when it is mounted.

  import Notice from './Notice.svelte';
  const noticeProps = writable({ count: 0 });
  const notice = createRender(Notice, noticeProps)
    .on('click', (() => $noticeProps.count++))
    .on('click', ev => console.log(ev));

<Render of={notice} />